This is me :)

This is me :)

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Bad night last night with tinnitus and NO SLEEP! I also had a regular Dr appointment today to go over my lab work from last week, and apparently I am falling apart. I will now be on cholesterol meds (2) and thyroid meds for the rest of my life. My lab work was so crazy it was almost funny....ALMOST. I have to schedule a thyroid US, carotid US and 2D echo and I guess invest in a daily pill organizer ;)  My eye is really bad today, and Fran lovingly calls me his cockeyed bitch LOL. This is all said in humor, so don't comment about him being mean, he doesn't have a mean bone in his body. I often wonders how he can put up with me since the accident, because most of the time I'm so miserable I can't even stand to be around myself. So that is my day so far and it's only 11:30 AM. I am left to wonder, and probably should have asked the doc if my thyroid could have somehow been caused by the electrical shock I received since I haven't had issues before. I know the cholesterol and triglycerides aren't because they have been high as long as I can remember, they are just so high now that I can no longer ignore it and wish it away.

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